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ERMontoro Consultoria e Treinamentos is a young company in the market, but with more than 35 years of proven practical experience.

We develop training and consultancies in Applied Statistics, Lean Manufacturing, ISO 9000, 14000, 17025 and support for the planning, execution and analysis of experiments to improve processes.

Our Team
Flavio Aldrovandi Montoro

Founding Partner | Tel: +55 016-98102-6651

Edson Rui Montoro

Technical Director | Tel: +55 035-99161-8141

PhD in Computer Science in the area of Artificial Intelligence by UFSCar, he acted as substitute professor at UFSCar and professor at ASSER. Experience in the application of techniques / methods of Artificial Intelligence and Lean Manufacturing to production processes.

Chemist by UNESP-Araraquara, Post-graduation in Production Management at UFSC and MBA at FGV. He has been working for more than 35 years in the development and Applied Statistics for Process Improvement (Six Sigma, SPC, DOE) and Lean Manufacturing. He has worked in a multinational chemical / metallurgical field with experience in several countries in Europe, the Middle East, South America and the Caribbean.


To be recognized as a reference in the area of process improvement training and consulting.


To actively contribute with clients, partners and society to achieve and exceed their planned results.

  • Ethics and Responsibility

  • Environment and Safety

  • Life Quality

  • Diversity

  • Products and services quality

  • Cost optimization

Safety, Health and Environment police

To continuously develop the skills of its employees in safety, environment and health issues, involving employees, suppliers, communities, competent bodies and other stakeholders, recognizing that safety, environment and health are fundamental and a priority for all its activities, in conformity with the mission, vision and values of ERMontoro Consulting and Training.

As our work is normally developed at the customer's facilities, our commitment is to respect and comply with all client's health, safety and environmental guidelines and policies.

Code of Business Conduct

It is the commitment of ERMontoro Consultoria e Treinamento Ltda:

- To follow unrestricted municipal, state and federal laws applied to our business;

- Not to exercise, accept or influence any practice, conduct or activity that constitutes contravention or that gives rise to possible interpretations of corruptive action of any kind.

- We abhor child labor and slave labor of any kind.

- We do not accept any type of discrimination of color, race, sex, religious creed, age or any other type that can be interpreted as discriminatory.

- We value diversity, as we believe it contributes to everybody’s personal and professional growth.

Do you need more information?

We are here to help you. Contact us by phone, email or social networks.

ERMontoro Consultoria e Treinamentos Ltda


ADDRESS: Rua Rio Grande do Sul, 1649, centro,

Poços de Caldas – MG – Brazil,

CEP 37701-001


Phone / Whatsapp:

+55 (35) 99161 - 8141

+55 (16) 98102 - 6651

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